The Weather Research and Forecasting Model: Overview, System Efforts, and Future Directions

Powers, Jordan G. ; Klemp, Joseph B. ; Skamarock, William C. ; Davis, Christopher A. ; Dudhia, Jimy ; Gill, David O. ; Coen, Janice L. ; Gochis, David J. ; Ahmadov, Ravan ; Peckham, Steven E. ; Grell, Georg A. ; Michalakes, John ; Trahan, Samuel ; Benjamin, Stanley G. ; Alexander, Curtis R. ; Dimego, Geoffrey J. ; Wang, Wei ; Schwartz, Craig S. ; Romine, Glen S. ; Liu, Zhiquan ; Snyder, Chris ; Chen, Fei ; Barlage, Michael J. ; Yu, Wei ; Duda, Michael G.

Année de publication

Since its initial release in 2000, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model has become one of the world’s most widely used numerical weather prediction models. Designed to serve both research and operational needs, it has grown to offer a spectrum of options and capabilities for a wide range of applications. In addition, it underlies a number of tailored systems that address Earth system modeling beyond weather. While the WRF Model has a centralized support effort, it has become a truly community model, driven by the developments and contributions of an active worldwide user base. The WRF Model sees significant use for operational forecasting, and its research implementations are pushing the boundaries of finescale atmospheric simulation. Future model directions include developments in physics, exploiting emerging compute technologies, and ever-innovative applications. From its contributions to research, forecasting, educational, and commercial efforts worldwide, the WRF Model has made a significant mark on numerical weather prediction and atmospheric science.

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