Developing a Research Strategy to Better Understand, Observe, and Simulate Urban Atmospheric Processes at Kilometer to Subkilometer Scales

Barlow, Janet ; Best, Martin ; Bohnenstengel, Sylvia I. ; Clark, Peter ; Grimmond, Sue ; Lean, Humphrey ; Christen, Andreas ; Emeis, Stefan ; Haeffelin, Martial ; Harman, Ian N. ; Lemonsu, Aude ; Martilli, Alberto ; Pardyjak, Eric ; Rotach, Mathias W ; Ballard, Susan ; Boutle, Ian ; Brown, Andy ; Cai, Xiaoming ; Carpentieri, Matteo ; Coceal, Omduth ; Crawford, Ben ; Di Sabatino, Silvana ; Dou, Junxia ; Drew, Daniel R. ; Edwards, John M. ; Fallmann, Joachim ; Fortuniak, Krzysztof ; Gornall, Jemma ; Gronemeier, Tobias ; Halios, Christos H. ; Hertwig, Denise ; Hirano, Kohin ; Holtslag, Albert A. M. ; Luo, Zhiwen ; Mills, Gerald ; Nakayoshi, Makoto ; Pain, Kathy ; Schlünzen, K. Heinke ; Smith, Stefan ; Soulhac, Lionel ; Steeneveld, Gert-Jan ; Sun, Ting ; Theeuwes, Natalie E ; Thomson, David ; Voogt, James A. ; Ward, Helen C. ; Xie, Zheng-Tong ; Zhong, Jian

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