The Science of William M. Gray: His Contributions to the Knowledge of Tropical Meteorology and Tropical Cyclones
Klotzbach, Philip J. ; Chan, Johnny C. L. ; Fitzpatrick, Patrick J. ; Frank, William M. ; Landsea, Christopher W. ; McBride, John L.
Advances in knowledge in tropical meteorological research are discussed in the context of contributions made by Professor William M. Gray. Gray pioneered the compositing approach to observational tropical meteorology through assembling of global radiosonde datasets and tropical cyclone research flight data. In the 1970s, he made fundamental contributions to knowledge of convective-larger-scale interactions. Throughout his career, he wrote seminal papers on tropical cyclone structure, cyclogenesis, motion, and seasonal forecasts. His conceptual development of a seasonal genesis parameter also laid an important framework for both seasonal forecasting as well as climate change studies on tropical cyclones. His work was a blend of both observationally based studies and the development of theoretical concepts. This paper reviews the progress in knowledge in the areas where Dr. Gray provided his largest contributions and describes the scientific legacy of Gray's contributions to tropical meteorology.
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