On the Desirability and Feasibility of a Global Reanalysis of Tropical Cyclones [Meeting summaries]

Emanuel, Kerry ; Caroff, Philippe ; Delgado, Sandy ; Guard, Charles Chip ; Guishard, Mark ; Hennon, Christopher ; Knaff, John ; Knapp, Kenneth R. ; Kossin, James ; Schreck, Carl ; Velden, Christopher ; Vigh, Jonathan

Année de publication

Accurate records of historical tropical cyclones are invaluable for scientific research and risk quantification. Yet most tropical cyclone data were collected in aid of operational forecasting with mixed attention to their use as a climate archive. To remedy this, as far as possible, a comprehensive reanalysis of Atlantic tropical cyclones was undertaken and is enjoying widespread use. To explore the feasibility of undertaking a similar effort for the rest of the globe, covering about 88% of all tropical cyclones, a workshop was convened, involving 12 scientists from around the world, including researchers, data analysts, and forecasters.

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