The EU-FP7 ERA-CLIM2 Project Contribution to Advancing Science and Production of Earth System Climate Reanalyses

Buizza, Roberto ; Brönnimann, Stefan ; Haimberger, Leopold ; Laloyaux, Patrick ; Martin, Matthew J. ; Fuentes, Manuel ; Alonso-Balmaseda, Magdalena ; Becker, Andreas ; Blaschek, Michael ; Dahlgren, Per ; de Boisseson, Eric ; Dee, Dick ; Doutriaux-Boucher, Marie ; Feng, Xiangbo ; John, Viju O. ; Haines, Keith ; Jourdain, Sylvie ; Kosaka, Yuki ; Lea, Daniel ; Lemarié, Florian ; Mayer, Michael ; Messina, Palmira ; Perruche, Coralie ; Peylin, Philippe ; Pullainen, Jounie ; Rayner, Nick ; Rustemeier, Elke ; Schepers, Dinand ; Saunders, Roger ; Schulz, Jörg ; Sterin, Alexander ; Stichelberger, Sebastian ; Storto, Andrea ; Testut, Charles-Emmanuel ; Valente, Maria-Antóonia ; Vidard, Arthur ; Vuichard, Nicolas ; Weaver, Anthony ; While, James ; Ziese, Markus

Année de publication

The European Reanalysis of Global Climate Observations 2 (ERA-CLIM2) is a European Union Seventh Framework Project started in January 2014 and due to be completed in December 2017. It aims to produce coupled reanalyses, which are physically consistent datasets describing the evolution of the global atmosphere, ocean, land surface, cryosphere, and the carbon cycle. ERA-CLIM2 has contributed to advancing the capacity for producing state-of-the-art climate reanalyses that extend back to the early twentieth century. ERA-CLIM2 has led to the generation of the first European ensemble of coupled ocean, sea ice, land, and atmosphere reanalyses of the twentieth century. The project has funded work to rescue and prepare observations and to advance the data-assimilation systems required to generate operational reanalyses, such as the ones planned by the European Union Copernicus Climate Change Service. This paper summarizes the main goals of the project, discusses some of its main areas of activities, and presents some of its key results.

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