Neighborhood-Based Contingency Tables Including Errors Compensation

Stein, Joël ; Stoop, Fabien

Année de publication

Some specific scores use a neighborhood strategy in order to reduce double penalty effects, which penalize high-resolution models, compared to large-scale models. Contingency tables based on this strategy have already been proposed, but can sometimes display undesirable behavior. A new method of populating contingency tables is proposed: pairs of missed events and false alarms located in the same local neighborhood compensate in order to give pairs of hits and correct rejections. Local tables are summed up so as to provide the final table for the whole verification domain. It keeps track of the bias of the forecast when neighborhoods are taken into account. Moreover, the scores computed from this table depend on the distance between forecast and observed patterns. This method is applied to binary and multicategorical events in a simplified framework so as to present the method and to compare the new tables with previous neighborhood-based contingency tables. The new tables are then used for the verification of two models operational at Météo-France: AROME, a high-resolution model, and ARPEGE, a large-scale global model. The comparison of several contingency scores shows that the importance of the double penalty decreases more for AROME than for ARPEGE when the neighboring size increases. Scores designed for rare events are also applied to these neighborhood-based contingency tables.

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