A non-hydrostatic non-Boussinesq algorithm for free-surface ocean modelling

Auclair, F. ; Bordois, L. ; Dossmann, Y. ; Duhaut, T. ; Paci, A. ; Ulses, C. ; Nguyen, C.

Année de publication

A three-mode time-split algorithm is proposed to simulate non-hydrostatic ocean processes in a natural way: fast pressure adjustments via acoustic waves are explicitly represented. The full set of compressible Navier-Stokes equations is integrated for a free-surface ocean with three time-steps respectively associated to the internal, external and compressible (non Boussinesq) modes. The resulting three-mode algorithm can be implemented either in a fully compressible configuration or in a 'pseudo-compressible' configuration by artificially lowering acoustic-wave velocities to reduce computational costs. The present description of the three-mode algorithm focuses in the first place on the simulation of non-hydrostatic processes in free-surface ocean models. Several test simulations related to linear and non-linear acoustic, surface and internal gravity waves are studied in details with the proposed three-mode algorithm.

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