Big data mining for climate change

Zhang, Zhihua ; Li, Jianping

Année de publication

Climate change mechanisms, impacts, risks, mitigation, adaption, and governance are widely recognized as the biggest, most interconnected problem facing humanity. Big Data Mining for Climate Change addresses one of the fundamental issues facing scientists of climate or the environment: how to manage the vast amount of information available and analyse it. The resulting integrated and interdisciplinary big data mining approaches are emerging, partially with the help of the United Nation's big data climate challenge, some of which are recommended widely as new approaches for climate change research. Big Data Mining for Climate Change delivers a rich understanding of climate-related big data techniques and highlights how to navigate huge amount of climate data and resources available using big data applications. It guides future directions and will boom big-data-driven researches on modeling, diagnosing and predicting climate change and mitigating related impacts.

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