SEA-POL Goes to Sea
Rutledge, Steven A. ; Chandrasekar, V. ; Fuchs, Brody ; George, Jim ; Junyent, Francesc ; Dolan, Brenda ; Kennedy, Patrick C. ; Drushka, Kyla
A new, advanced radar has been developed at Colorado State University (CSU). The Sea-Going Polarimetric (SEA-POL) radar is a C-band, polarimetric Doppler radar specifically designed to deploy on research ships. SEA-POL is the first such weather radar developed in the United States. Ship-based weather radars have a long history, dating back to GATE in 1974. The GATE radars measured only reflectivity. After GATE, ship radars also provided Doppler measurements. SEA-POL represents the next advancement by adding dual-polarization technology, the ability to transmit and receive both horizontal and vertical polarizations. This configuration provides information about hydrometeor size, shape, and phase. As a result, superior rain-rate estimates are afforded by the dual-polarization technology, along with hydrometeor identification and overall improved data quality. SEA-POL made its first deployment as part of the Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study, second field phase (SPURS-2) fall 2017 cruise to the eastern tropical Pacific, sailing on the R/V Roger Revelle. SPURS-2 was a field project to investigate the fate of freshwater deposited on the ocean's surface. Oceanographers are keenly interested in how fast these freshwater patches mix out by wind and upper-ocean turbulence, as the less dense rainfall sitting atop the salty ocean inhibits mixing through increased stability. To this end, during SPURS-2, SEA-POL produced rain maps identifying the location of freshwater lenses on the ocean's surface thereby providing context for measurements of SST and salinity. Examples of SEA-POL polarization measurements are also discussed to assess microphysical processes within oceanic convection. Future ocean-based field campaigns will now benefit from SEA-POL's advanced dual-polarization technology.</p>
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