Was the earliest documented account of tornado dynamics published by an Indian scientist in an Indian journal ?

De, S. ; Sahai, A. K.

Année de publication

The first documented meteorological research in India was carried out by the British in the eighteenth century. Who, then, was the first native Indian to publish a paper on meteorology in an Indian journal? A paper entitled Note on a whirlwind at Pundooah by Chunder Sikur Chatterjee, included in the Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal in 1865, was probably the first paper published by a native Indian in an Indian journal, indicating that meteorology, as a subject of academic study, has deep roots in India. The paper was in the form of note reporting a tornado at Pundooah to the Surveyor General's Office of India. The note was unique in that it was supported by a sketch that meticulously depicted the path of a tornado and its direction of rotation, and detailed the horizontal extent of the suction vortex and tornado cyclone, which were determined from observations of the trail of destruction. The spatial and temporal scales of the tornado recorded in the note matched those given in papers published more than 100 years later by Orlansky and Fujita, and it is possible that it constitutes the first meteorological record in which the horizontal scale of a tornado and its suction spot were accurately evaluated. The paper was the first of its kind in which tornado dynamics were ascertained via observations. </p>

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