Spatial patterns of seasonal level trends of groundwater in India during 2002-2016

Cao, Yanping ; Sen Roy, Shouraseni

Année de publication

<br>The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) twin satellite provides an efficient method of assessing groundwater anomalies by measuring variations in terrestrial water storage (TWS) and its anomalies (TWSA). The TWS is the sum of all forms of water such as groundwater, soil moisture, surface water and snow water equivalent. We used CSR RL05 Mascon solutions ( to estimate the seasonal level regional scale groundwater depletion rates across India between 2002 and 2016. The groundwater storage showed substantial spatial variations at the seasonal scale. At the regional scale, our analysis revealed the steepest decline in the northwest and northeast regions of India. This has been caused by a significant increase of land under well and tube-well irrigation. Furthermore, the rapid rates of urbanization associated with a lower recharge of the groundwater table due to increased runoff also contributed to depleted groundwaters across India.<br></p>

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