Research in pairs: An undergraduate atmospheric science experience

Laird, Neil F. ; Metz, Nicholas D.

A Pair-Researching Approach for Undergraduate Atmospheric Science Researchers

Année de publication

The commonly favored and familiar approach for mentoring undergraduate (UG) students in the atmospheric science community has been to match one student with one or more research mentors who are typically faculty, postdoctoral researchers, or graduate students. An alternative pedagogic approach implementing UG student pairings (i.e., pair-researching), which constructs a student-student-mentor group, has been used with success since 2005 while conducting research during a multiweek (i.e., 8-10 weeks) UG summer research program at Hobart and William Smith Colleges (HWS). We have found this approach especially beneficial to bringing greater numbers of rising sophomore and rising junior UG students into our research program.</p>

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