Large-Eddy Simulations with an Immersed Boundary Method: Pollutant Dispersion over Urban Terrain

Auguste, Franck ; Lac, Christine ; Masson, Valery ; Cariolle, Daniel

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In urban canopies, the variability of pollution may be influenced by the presence of surface heterogeneities like orography and buildings. Using the Meso-NH model enhanced with an immersed boundary method (IBM) to represent accurately the impact of the 3D shape of buildings on the flow, large-eddy simulations are performed over city of Toulouse (France) with the dispersion of a plume following a plant explosion on 21 September 2001. The event is characterized by a large quantity of nitrogen dioxide released in a vertical column after the explosion, quickly dispersed by a moderate wind prevailing in the lower atmospheric layers. Assuming a passive pollutant, the model develops a realistic plume dispersion. A sensitivity analysis of the advection scheme to the spread is presented. The limited population's exposure to pollution developed by the model appears in good agreement with previous health studies. Beyond this case, IBM is a promising way to represent flow interaction with buildings and orography in atmospheric models for urban applications.</p>

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