Validation of high-impact weather event predictions using an integrated institutional-citizen observational network
Pavan, Valentina ; Celano, Miria ; Fornasiero, Anna ; Patruno, Paolo ; Poli, Virginia ; Selvini, Andrea ; Tesini, Maria S.
An integrated institutional-citizen observational database has been created in the Emilia-Romagna region (Italy) to monitor the occurrence of high-impact weather events and validate the associated operational weather forecasts. In the following, after reporting the main characteristics of the database, its utility is presented for two extended snowfall events that occurred in January 2019, describing the observed synoptic conditions, the forecast for total precipitation, the forecast bulletins for total snow depth and their validations. The use of the integrated network allows an improved space coverage over the territory with respect to the specific snow parameter, especially in highly populated plain areas not covered by institutional data and likely to be more heavily affected by the presence of snow cover.</p>
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