Temporal patterns in radar-observed convective cell development during the 2016 monsoon onset

Doyle, Alex ; Stein, Thorwald ; Turner, Andrew

Année de publication

[...]Whilst cloud development and the physical processes involved are crucial components of the monsoon, their representation in weather and climate models remains a challenge, with a dry bias over the Indian subcontinent in many climate models (Willetts et al., 2017). Parametrisations of convection are a dominant source of error in global models (Sherwood et al., 2014) and suffer from historical undersampling of monsoon clouds in observations to help constrain these models. Here, using IMD Doppler weather radar observations at 12 sites across the country, we assess the large-scale temporal patterns and local cloud fields associated with monsoon onset in 2016, compared to the increase in local rainfall. Specifically, in this article we will focus on: - The monitoring of convective clouds using radars and the definition of monsoon onset. - What did monsoon advance look like in 2016 and what large-scale dynamical changes were associated with monsoon onset and progression? - What is the observed temporal pattern of radar-derived convective cell coverage in the days and weeks leading up to and following monsoon onset and how does this compare with precipitation? Furthermore, how does this differ by region? </p>

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