Global risk of deadly heat

Mora, Camilo ; Dousset, Bénédicte ; Caldwell, Iain R. ; Powell, Farrah E. ; Geronimo, Rollan C. ; Bielecki, Coral R. ; Counsell, Chelsie W. W. ; Dietrich, Bonnie S. ; Johnston, Emily T. ; Louis, Leo V. ; Lucas, Matthew P. ; McKenzie, Marie M. ; Shea, Alessandra G. ; Tseng, Han ; Giambelluca, Thomas W. ; Leon, Lisa R. ; Hawkins, Ed ; Trauernicht, Clay

Année de publication

Climatic conditions that challenge human thermoregulatory capacity currently affect around a quarter of the world's population annually. Such conditions are projected to increase in line with CO2 emissions particularly in the humid tropics.</p>

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