ReNovRisk: a multidisciplinary programme to study the cyclonic risks in the South-West Indian Ocean

Tulet, Pierre ; Aunay, Bertrand ; Barruol, Guilhem ; Barthe, Christelle ; Belon, Remi ; Bielli, Soline ; Bonnardot, François ; Bousquet, Olivier ; Cammas, Jean-Pierre ; Cattiaux, Julien ; Chauvin, Fabrice ; Fontaine, Idriss ; Fontaine, Fabrice R. ; Gabarrot, Franck ; Garabedian, Sabine ; Gonzalez, Alicia ; Join, Jean-Lambert ; Jouvenot, Florian ; Nortes-Martinez, David ; Mékiès, Dominique ; Mouquet, Pascal ; Payen, Guillaume ; Pennober, Gwenaelle ; Pianezze, Joris ; Rault, Claire ; Revillion, Christophe ; Rindraharisaona, Elisa J. ; Samyn, Kevin ; Thompson, Callum ; Vérèmes, Hélène

Année de publication

Today, resilience in the face of cyclone risks has become a crucial issue for our societies. With climate change, the risk of strong cyclones occurring is expected to intensify significantly and to impact the way of life in many countries. To meet some of the associated challenges, the interdisciplinary ReNovRisk programme aims to study tropical cyclones and their impacts on the South-West Indian Ocean basin. This article is a presentation of the ReNovRisk programme, which is divided into four areas: study of cyclonic hazards, study of erosion and solid transport processes, study of water transfer and swell impacts on the coast, and studies of socio-economic impacts. The first transdisciplinary results of the programme are presented together with the database, which will be open access from mid-2021.</p>

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