Multiscale Forecasting of High-Impact Weather: Current Status and Future Challenges

Majumdar, Sharanya J. ; Sun, Juanzhen ; Golding, Brian ; Joe, Paul ; Dudhia, Jimy ; Caumont, Olivier ; Gouda, Krushna Chandra ; Steinle, Peter ; Vincendon, Béatrice ; Wang, Jianjie ; Yussouf, Nusrat

Année de publication

Improving the forecasting and communication of weather hazards such as urban floods and extreme winds has been recognized by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as a priority for international weather research. The WMO has established a 10-yr High-Impact Weather Project (HIWeather) to address global challenges and accelerate progress on scientific and social solutions. In this review, key challenges in hazard forecasting are first illustrated and summarized via four examples of high-impact weather events. Following this, a synthesis of the requirements, current status, and future research in observations, multiscale data assimilation, multiscale ensemble forecasting, and multiscale coupled hazard modeling is provided.</p>

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