The history of UK weather forecasting: the changing role of the central guidance forecaster. Part 1: the pre-computer era

L'histoire des prévisions météorologiques au Royaume-Uni : l'évolution du rôle du prévisionniste central. Partie 1 : l'ère pré-informatique

Young, Martin V. ; Grahame, Nick S.

Année de publication

This is the first in a series of papers in which we review how the role of the weather forecaster has evolved from before the use of computers, through to the present day, with increasing reliance on numerical weather prediction (NWP) models and powerful computer workstations. In this paper, we focus on forecasting in the United Kingdom (UK) during the pre-computer era, when forecasting relied on applying empirical techniques and much of the skill depended upon the experience and flair of individual forecasters.</p>

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