Dam Weather: The Surprising Impact of Weather on Hoover Dam
Dam Weather : L'impact surprenant de la météo sur le barrage Hoover
Cerveny, Niccole ; Balling, Robert C. Jr. ; Cerveny, Randy
<br>One of the iconic examples of modern engineering is the Southwestern marvel known across the world as Hoover Dam. It stands as a working monument to the ingenuity and fortitude of our forefathers to overcome the depths of the Great Depression and harness the forces of nature. It stands a towering 726 feet from its base to its crest-making it for a time the highest dam in the world when it was first created in the 1930s. And the enormous electrical power produced from its generators has directly led to the settlement of the Southwest. Yet the elements of weather and climate-heat, wind, and water-have played critical roles in the birth, life, and perhaps even the eventual death of Hoover Dam.<br></p>
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