Atlas. In Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Gutiérrez, J. M. ; Jones, R. G. ; Narisma, G. T. ; Alves, L. M. ; Amjad, M. ; Gorodetskaya, I. V. ; Grose, M. ; Klutse, N. A. B. ; Krakovska, S. ; Li, J. ; Martínez-Castro, D. ; Mearns, L. O. ; Mernild, S. H. ; Ngo-Duc, T. ; van den Hurk, B. ; Yoon, J.-H.

Auteur moral
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Working Group I : IPCC. WGI
Année de publication

This Atlas chapter assesses changes in mean climate at regional scales, in particular observed trends and their attribution and projected future changes. The main focus is on changes in temperature and precipitation (including snow and derived variables in polar regions) over land regions, though other variables, including for oceanic regions, are also discussed. Projected changes are presented both as relative to levels of global warming and for future time periods under a range of emissions scenarios. In order to facilitate summarizing assessment findings, a new set of WGI reference regions is used within the chapter which were derived following broad consultation and peer review. These are used in other chapters for summarizing regional information. This includes the assessment of climatic impact-driver (CID) changes in Chapter 12, which incorporates the changes in mean climate assessed in the Atlas. Another important new development since AR5 is the AR6 WGI Interactive Atlas, which is described in this chapter and is used to generate results both for the Atlas and other regional chapters. It is also a resource allowing exploration of datasets underpinning assessment findings in other chapters of the report.</p>

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