EUROCONTROL Cross Border Convection Advisory - Collaboration in Action
Donohue, Lauren ; Flouttard, Alexandre ; Weidemann, Clemens ; Crabtree, Tom ; Bladt, Wim
Année de publication
This year, Operational Meteorologists from 13 national MET Providers [AEMET (Spain), ARSO (Slovenia), AustroControl, Croatia Control (CCL), DWD (Germany), Italian Air Force, KNMI (Netherlands), Met Office UK, Meteo-France, Meteo Swiss, OMSZ (Hungary), SHMU (Slovakia) and Skeyes (Belgium)] have been taking part in the European Cross Border Convective Advisory procedure for EUROCONTROL's Network Manager. The EUMETNET members producing the daily forecast aim to provide clear, and internationally consistent, information regarding the severity and probability of convective weather across the forecast domain.</p>
Texte intégral
Accès à la notice sur le site du portail documentaire de Météo-France