Automatic Detection of Severe Thunderstorms to Improve Weather Warnings

Imbert, Jean ; Touze, Benoît

Année de publication

Developing the observation and nowcasting of severe thunderstorms is a main issue at Météo-France. Indeed, these phenomena have a small extension and to forecast their evolution remains difficult. Consequently, detecting and following severe thunderstorms gives the possibility to be more efficient in our safety missions. The main purpose of this topic (which started in 2019) is to develop tools using different data sources in weather observations to discriminate severe and non-severe thunderstorms. During summer of 2020, the first algorithm, named MIMOSA, was developed in collaboration with different Météo-France services and an internship. This algorithm under development gives the opportunity to detect all thunderstorms in France and identify each thunderstorm severity. First, we will present the MIMOSA algorithm. Then, we will show two thunderstorm events in 2020 detected by MIMOSA. Finally, improvements about this project will be discussed.</p>

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