Sting Jets and other processes leading to high wind gusts: wind-storms 'Zeus' and 'Joachim' compared
Gillet-Chaulet, Bruno
On Monday, 6th March 2017, a major wind-storm, named ' ZZeeuuss' by the media, hit France. This low system brought absolute record wind gusts. It was one of the most violent that the country had known for years. In Brittany ('Finistère'), the level of the wind speed was unexpected and surprised lots of forecasters on shift at that time. As a consequence, this event gave us the opportunity to better understand the mechanisms that are at the source of highest gusts and in particular, to discuss the concept of the 'Sting Jet', raised in association with this type of hazard more and more often in the last few years. This article describes the wind-storms 'Zeus' (6/03/2017) and 'Joachim' (16/12/2011) and explores the different processes leading to high wind gusts..</p>
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