Neighborhood-Based Ensemble Evaluation Using the CRPS

Stein, Joël ; Stoop, Fabien

Année de publication

The neighborhood-based ensemble evaluation using the continuous ranked probability score is based on the pooling of the cumulative density function (CDF) for all the points inside a neighborhood. This methodology can be applied to the forecast CDF for measuring the predictive input of neighboring points in the center of the neighborhood. It can also be applied at the same time to forecast CDF and observed CDF so as to quantify the quality of the pooled ensemble forecast at the scale of the neighborhood. Fair versions of these two neighborhood scores are also defined in order to reduce their dependencies on the size of ensemble forecasts. The borderline case of deterministic forecasts is also explored so as to be able to compare them with ensemble forecasts. The information of these new scores is analyzed on idealized and real cases of rain accumulated during 3 h and of 2-m temperature forecast by four deterministic and probabilistic forecasting systems operational at Météo-France.</p>

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