A dataset of temperature, humidity, and liquid water path retrievals from a network of ground-based microwave radiometers dedicated to fog investigation

Martinet, Pauline ; Unger, Vinciane ; Burnet, Frédéric ; Georgis, Jean-François ; Hervo, Maxime ; Huet, Thierry ; Löhnert, Ulrich ; Miller, Eugene ; Orlandi, Emiliano ; Price, Jeremy ; Schröder, Mathias ; Thomas, Guillaume

Année de publication

The database presented in this study has been acquired during the SOuth west FOGs 3D (SOFOG3D) experiment for processes study. This international campaign led by Météo-France during the winter 2019-2020 aimed at deploying a unique network of both in situ and remote sensing measurements in order to document spatial and temporal variabilities of fog events. To support this scientific objective but also to conduct first data assimilation experiments within the French convective scale model AROME, an un-precedented network of 8 ground-based microwave radiometers (MWR) has been deployed in 7 different locations known to be prone to fog occurrences. The database gives access to vertical profiles of temperature and humidity (both absolute and relative) from the surface up to 10 km altitude as well as integrated water vapor and liquid water path estimates. The retrieved profiles offer a very large database that can be exploited for several scientific purposes: fog process studies at specific location, documentation on the variability of fog properties at the regional scale, better understanding of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) height and dynamics during wintertime conditions, development of nowcasting products dedicated to fog alerts, data assimilation experiments to improve fog forecasts, development of synergetical advanced products, and evaluation of new model configurations with advanced parameterization or resolutions.</p>

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