State of Global Water Resources report 2022

État des ressources en eau dans le monde en 2022

Auteur moral
Organisation météorologique mondiale : OMM
Année de publication

WMO's State of Global Water Resources report for 2022 has been launched, following the success of the first pilot report launched last year in response to calls made at various global forums for an independent and consistent assessment of global water resources to guide policy discussions. The State of Global Water Resources report is one among the 3 commitments of WMO made the UN 2023 Water Conference Water Action Agenda. This WMO flagship report gives a concise presentation of the status of water resources in large basins in comparison to the long-term average, for various variables characterizing the water cycle. In comparison to the first edition that reported conditions of streamflow, terrestrial water storage and selected cryosphere parameters only, the present 2022 WMO State of Global Water Resources report is extended to include variables describing, groundwater, evapotranspiration, soil moisture, reservoirs along with an overview of the major extreme hydrological disasters around the globe in 2022. The 2022 report has also improved compared to the pilot report in terms of spatial disaggregation of the basins thanks to the contribution from WMO Members and other experts with respect to in-situ and modelled data. .</p>

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