The YOPP Final Summit: Assessing Past and Forecasting Future Polar Prediction Research

Wilson, Jeff ; Jung, Thomas ; Bazile, Eric ; Bromwich, David ; Casati, Barbara ; Day, Jonathan ; Coning, Estelle De ; Eayrs, Clare ; Grumbine, Robert ; Ioue, Jun ; Khalsa, Siri Jodha S. ; Kristiansen, Jorn ; Lamers, Machiel ; Liggett, Daniela ; Olsen, Steffen M. ; Perovich, Donald ; Renfrew, Ian ; Smolyanitsky, Vasily ; Svensson, Gunilla ; Sun, Qizhen ; Uttal, Taneil ; Yang, Qinghua

Année de publication

One hundred eighty-seven scientists, stakeholders, and representatives from operational forecasting centers and international bodies assembled in person and online to review the accomplishments and impacts of YOPP and make recommendations on prediction-related priorities for future international polar research projects.</p>

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