Observational Constraints on Basin-Scale Runoff: A Request for Both Improved ESMs and Streamflow Reconstructions

Douville, Hervé

Année de publication

Efforts to predict long-term changes in continental runoff at both global and basin scales generally remain ambiguous. Here we use a global runoff reconstruction and a Bayesian statistical method to narrow uncertainties in runoff projections from the latest generation of global climate models. Three representative tropical river basins are used to illustrate the application and showcase the potential for substantial reduction in modeling uncertainty. Yet, results are fairly sensitive to the selected reconstruction thus highlighting the need for reliable and homogeneized gridded runoff data sets or river discharge measurements. Moreover, climate models do not account for water withdrawals, whose effect on observed runoff should also be removed in order to detect and attribute the hydrological effect of climate change. Finally, and more importantly, most models fail at capturing the observed recent decrease in runoff ratio, which may highlight either model deficiencies or increasing water derivation over the selected river basins.</p>

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