Introduction of a new ocean and sea-ice model based on NEMO4-SI3

Introduction d'un nouveau modèle d'océan et de glace de mer basé sur NEMO4-SI3

Keeley, Sarah ; Mogensen, Kristian ; Bidlot, Jean-Raymond ; Alonso Balmaseda, Magdalena ; Hatfield, Sam

Année de publication

Since 2018, all operational forecast systems at ECMWF have modelled the evolution of the ocean and sea ice using a dynamical model, based on NEMO3.4.1 and a single-category ice model LIM2 (Keeley & Mogensen, 2018). For the last five years, we have been working to develop an updated ocean and sea-ice model and data assimilation system for use in all of ECMWF's physical modelling systems. The next upgrade of the ocean component of the model will be an updated ocean model based on the code base NEMO4.0.6 of the NEMO community model ( This features, among other things, a new spatial grid, new options for the formulation of the surface fluxes, and a new community multi-category sea-ice model SI<sup>3</sup> (Sea Ice modelling Integrated Initiative), which builds upon the models previously used within NEMO: LIM3, CICE and GELATO.</p>

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