Weather prediction by numerical process

Prévision du temps par processus numérique

Richardson, Lewis Fry

Auteur moral
Lynch, Peter
Année de publication

The idea of forecasting the weather by calculation was first dreamt of by Lewis Fry Richardson. He set out in this book a detailed algorithm for systematic numerical weather prediction. The method of computing atmospheric changes, which he mapped out in great detail in this book, is essentially the method used today. He was greatly ahead of his time because, before his ideas could bear fruit, advances in four critical areas were needed: better understanding of the dynamics of the atmosphere; stable computational algorithms to integrate the equations; regular observations of the free atmosphere; and powerful automatic computer equipment. Over the ensuing years, progress in numerical weather prediction has been dramatic. Weather prediction and climate modelling have now reached a high level of sophistication, and are witness to the influence of Richardson's ideas. This new edition contains a new foreword by Peter Lynch that sets the original book in context.<br>- Classic book which was the first comprehensive description of numerical weather prediction<br>- Sets out in detail the steps required to make a numerical forecast<br> - Essential text for all practitioners and students of meteorology and climatology<br> - New edition with new foreword by Peter Lynch setting the original book in context.</p>

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