Introduction to circulating atmospheres
James, I.N.
Notation<br>1. The governing physical laws<br>1.1 The first law of thermodynamics<br>1.2 Conservation of matter<br>1.3 Newton's second law of motion<br>1.4 Coordinate systems<br>1.5 Hydrostatic balance and its omplications<br>1.6 Vorticity<br>1.7 The quasi-geostrophic approximation<br>1.8 Potential vorticity and the omega equation<br>1.9 Ertel's potential vorticity<br>1.10 Problems<br>2. Observing and modelling the global circulation<br>2.1 Averaging the atmosphere<br>2.2 The global observing network<br>2.3 Numerical weather prediction models<br>2.4 The analysis-forecast cycle<br>2.5 Global circulation models<br>2.6 Problems<br>3. The atmospheric heat engine<br>3.1 Global energy balance<br>3.2 Local radiative balance<br>3.3 Thermodynamics of fluid motion<br>3.4 Observed atmosphere heating<br>3.5 Problems<br>4. The zonal mean meridional circulation<br>4.1 Observational basis<br>4.2 The Held-Hou model of the Hadley circulation<br>4.3 More realistic models of the Hadley circulation<br>4.4 Zonal mean circulation in midlatitudes<br>4.5 A Lagrangian view of the meridional circulation<br>4.6 Problems<br>5. Transient disturbances in the mid-latitudes<br>5.1 Timescales of atmospheric motion<br>5.2 The structure of transient eddies<br>5.3 Atmospheric energetics<br>5.4 Theories of baroclinic instability<br>5.5 Baroclinic lifecycles and high frequency transients<br>5.6 Problems<br>6. Wave propagation and the steady eddies<br>6.1 Observations of steady eddies<br>6.2 Barotropic model<br>6.3 Application to observed steady eddies<br>6.4 Vertical propagation of Rossby waves<br>6.5 The Eliassen-Oalm flux<br>6.6 Eliassen-Palm fluxes and baroclinic lifecycles<br>6.7 Problems<br>7. Three dimensional aspects of the global circulation<br>7.1 Zonal variations in the tropics<br>7.2 Monsoon circulations<br>7.3 Midlatitude storm zones and jets<br>7.4 Interactions between transient and steady eddies<br>7.5 The global transport of water vapour<br>7.6 Problems<br>8. Low frequency variability of the circulation<br>8.1 Low frequency transients<br>8.2 Teleconnection patterns<br>8.3 Stratospheric oscillations<br>8.4 Intraseasonal oscillation<br>8.5 The Southern Oscillation<br>8.6 Blocking of the midlatitude flow<br>8.7 Chaos and ultra low frequency variability<br>8.8 Problems<br>9. The stratosphere<br>9.1 The seasonal cycle of the stratosphere circulation<br>9.2 Wave propagation and mean flow interactions<br>9.3 The production and transport of ozone<br>9.4 Exchange of matter across the tropopause<br>9.5 Problems<br>10. Planetary atmospheres and other fluid systems<br>10.1 Major influences on planetary circulations<br>10.2 Terrestrial circulations<br>10.3 Slowly rotating atmospheres<br>10.4 The atmosphere circulation of the giant planets<br>10.5 Large scale ocean circulation<br>10.6 Laboratory systems<br>10.7 Problems<br>Appendix - Solutions to problems<br>Bibliography<br>References<br>Index
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