Introduction to circulating atmospheres
James, I.N.
Preface Notation 1. The governing physical laws 1.1 The first law of thermodynamics 1.2 Conservation of matter 1.3 Newton's second law of motion 1.4 Coordinate systems 1.5 Hydrostatic balance and its omplications 1.6 Vorticity 1.7 The quasi-geostrophic approximation 1.8 Potential vorticity and the omega equation 1.9 Ertel's potential vorticity 1.10 Problems 2. Observing and modelling the global circulation 2.1 Averaging the atmosphere 2.2 The global observing network 2.3 Numerical weather prediction models 2.4 The analysis-forecast cycle 2.5 Global circulation models 2.6 Problems 3. The atmospheric heat engine 3.1 Global energy balance 3.2 Local radiative balance 3.3 Thermodynamics of fluid motion 3.4 Observed atmosphere heating 3.5 Problems 4. The zonal mean meridional circulation 4.1 Observational basis 4.2 The Held-Hou model of the Hadley circulation 4.3 More realistic models of the Hadley circulation 4.4 Zonal mean circulation in midlatitudes 4.5 A Lagrangian view of the meridional circulation 4.6 Problems 5. Transient disturbances in the mid-latitudes 5.1 Timescales of atmospheric motion 5.2 The structure of transient eddies 5.3 Atmospheric energetics 5.4 Theories of baroclinic instability 5.5 Baroclinic lifecycles and high frequency transients 5.6 Problems 6. Wave propagation and the steady eddies 6.1 Observations of steady eddies 6.2 Barotropic model 6.3 Application to observed steady eddies 6.4 Vertical propagation of Rossby waves 6.5 The Eliassen-Oalm flux 6.6 Eliassen-Palm fluxes and baroclinic lifecycles 6.7 Problems 7. Three dimensional aspects of the global circulation 7.1 Zonal variations in the tropics 7.2 Monsoon circulations 7.3 Midlatitude storm zones and jets 7.4 Interactions between transient and steady eddies 7.5 The global transport of water vapour 7.6 Problems 8. Low frequency variability of the circulation 8.1 Low frequency transients 8.2 Teleconnection patterns 8.3 Stratospheric oscillations 8.4 Intraseasonal oscillation 8.5 The Southern Oscillation 8.6 Blocking of the midlatitude flow 8.7 Chaos and ultra low frequency variability 8.8 Problems 9. The stratosphere 9.1 The seasonal cycle of the stratosphere circulation 9.2 Wave propagation and mean flow interactions 9.3 The production and transport of ozone 9.4 Exchange of matter across the tropopause 9.5 Problems 10. Planetary atmospheres and other fluid systems 10.1 Major influences on planetary circulations 10.2 Terrestrial circulations 10.3 Slowly rotating atmospheres 10.4 The atmosphere circulation of the giant planets 10.5 Large scale ocean circulation 10.6 Laboratory systems 10.7 Problems Appendix - Solutions to problems Bibliography References Index
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