Special Section: Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) - LBA 39 Cloud and rain processes in a biosphere-atmosphere interaction context in the Amazon Region (DOI 10.1029/2001JD000335)

Alvalá [R.C.S.] ; Andreae [M.O.] ; Artaxo [P.] ; Dias [M. A F Silva] ; Dias [P. L Silva] ; Dolman [A.J.] ; Fisch [G.] ; Fuentes [J.D.] ; Garstang [M.] ; Gatti [L.] ; Gielow [R.] ; Kabal [P.] ; Manzi [A.O.] ; Marengo [J.] ; Nobre [C.] ; Plana-Fattori [A.] ; Rocha [H.R.] ; Rutledge [S.] ; Sá [L.D.A.] ; Zipser [E.]

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