Special Section: Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) - LBA 53 The effects of partial throughfall exclusion on canopy processes, aboveground production, and biogeochemistry of an Amazon forest (DOI 10.1029/2001

Barros [L.] ; Belk [E.] ; Cardinot [G.] ; Chambers [J.] ; Davidson [E.] ; Dias-Filho [M.B.] ; Figueiredo [R.] ; Guerreiros [J.B.] ; Ishida [F.Y.] ; Kalif [K.] ; Lefebvre [P.] ; Markewitz [D.] ; Moreira [M.] ; Moutinho [P.] ; Nepstad [D.C.] ; Ray [D.] ; Schwalbe [K.] ; Sternberg [L.] ; Tohlver [I.] ; Vianna [N.]

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