Special Section: SAGE III-Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment and Third European Stratospheric Experiment on Ozone-2000 (SOLVE/THESEO) - SOL 22 Tracer-based determination of vortex descent in the 1999/2000 Arctic winter

Atlas [Elliot L.] ; Blavier [Jean-François] ; Bremer [Holger] ; Bui [T. Paul] ; Chipperfield [Martyn] ; Elkins [James W.] ; Engel [Andreas] ; Greenblatt [Jeffery B.] ; Herman [Robert L.] ; Hurst [Dale F.] ; Jost [Hans-Jürg] ; Lefèvre [Franck] ; Loewenstein [Max] ; Moore [Fred L.] ; Müller [Melanie] ; Oltmans [Samuel] ; Pierce [R. Bradley] ; Podolske [James R.] ; Ray [Eric A.] ; Schauffler [Sue M.] ; Schmidt [Ulrich] ; Sen [Bhaswar] ; Sinnhuber [Björn-Martin] ; Stachnik [Robert A.] ; Toon [Geoffrey C.] ; Vömel [Holger] ; Webster [Christopher R.]

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