Special Section: SAGE III-Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment and Third European Stratospheric Experiment on Ozone-2000 (SOLVE/THESEO) - SOL 42 Reconstruction of three-dimensional ozone fields using POAM III during SOLVE

Bevilacqua [R.M.] ; Claude [H.] ; Davies [J.] ; DeBacker [H.] ; Dier [H.] ; Fromm [M.D.] ; Gathen [P. von der] ; Hoppel [K.W.] ; Kyro [E.] ; Lloyd [S.A.] ; Lumpe [J.D.] ; Molyneux [M.J.] ; Randall [C.E.] ; Salawitch [R.J.] ; Sancho [J.] ; Swartz [W.H.]

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