Special Section: Paciflc Exploratory Ngssion in the Tropics-B (PEMTROPICS-B) Part 2 - PEM 10. Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ) 1998-2000 tropical ozone climatology, 1, Comparison with Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) and ground-based measurements
Coetzee [Gert J R] ; Fujiwara [Masatomo] ; Hoegger [Bruno] ; Johnson [Bryan J.] ; Kawakami [Shuji] ; Kirchhoff [Volker W J H] ; Labow [Gordon] ; Logan [Jennifer A.] ; McPeters [Richard D.] ; Ogawa [Toshihiro] ; Oltmans [Samuel J.] ; Posny [Françoise] ; Schmidlin [Francis J.] ; Thompson [Anne M.] ; Vömel [Holger] ; Witte [Jacquelyn C.]
Année de publication
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