Special Section: Tropospheric Ozone Production About the Spring Equinox (TOPSE) - TOP 17. Ozone, Aerosol, potential vorticity, and trace gas trends observed at high-latitudes over north America from february to may 2000 (Doi 10.1029/20
Atlas [Elliot L.] ; Blake [Donald R.] ; Brackett [Vince G.] ; Brasseur [Lorainne A.] ; Browel [Edward V.] ; Butler [Carolyn F.] ; Cantrell [Christhoper A.] ; Clayton [Marian B.] ; Coffey [Michael T.] ; DeYONG [Russel J.] ; Dibb [Jack E.] ; Emmons [Louisa K.] ; Fenn [Martha A.] ; Flocke [Franck] ; Fried [Alan] ; Grant [William B.] ; Hair [Jonathan W.] ; Hannigan [James W.] ; Harper [David B.] ; Hess [Peter G.] ; Klonecki [Andzei A.] ; Lefer [Barry L.] ; Ridley [Brian A.] ; Snow [Julie A.] ; Talbot [Robert W.] ; Tie [Xuexi] ; Weinheimer [Andrew J.] ; Wert [Bryan] ; Wimmers [Anthony J.]
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