Special Section: SAGE III-Ozone Loss and Validation Experiment and Third European Stratospheric Experiment on Ozone-2000 (SOLVE/THESEO), Part 2: SOL 59 Comparison of POAM III ozone measurements with correlative aircraft and balloon data during Solve

Bevilacqua [Richard M.] ; Boesch [Hartmut] ; Browell [Edward V.] ; Burris [John] ; Fitzenberger [Richard] ; Fromm [Mike] ; Goutail [Florence] ; Grant [William B.] ; Hoppel [Karl] ; Lumpe [Jerry D.] ; Margitan [James J.] ; McGee [Thomas] ; Pfeilsticker [Klaus] ; Pommereau [Jean-Pierre] ; Randall [Cora E.] ; Richard [Erik C.] ; Sen [Bhaswar] ; Toon [Geoffrey C.] ; Twigg [Laurence]

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