Special Section: Southern Oxidants Study 1999 Atlanta Supersite Project (SOS) - SOS 9. Intercomparison of near real time monitors of PM2.5 nitrate and sulfate at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Atlanta Supersite (DOI 10.1029/2
Baumann [K.] ; Boring [C.B.] ; Brechtel [F.] ; Brink [H. ten] ; Chameides [W.] ; Dasgupta [P.] ; Duan [Y.] ; Dutcher [D.D.] ; Edgerton [E.] ; Genfa [Z.] ; Hartsell [B.] ; Hering [S.] ; Jongejan [P.] ; Kiang [C.S.] ; Klotz [P.] ; Lee [Y.A.] ; Orsini [D.] ; Slanina [J.] ; Solomon [P.] ; Stolzenburg [M.] ; Tanner [R.] ; Weber [R.]
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