Composition and Chemistry (ACH) - ACH 8 - Effect of petrochemical industrial emissions of reactive alkenes and NO,, on tropospheric ozone formation in Houston, Texas (DOI 10.1029/2002JD003070)

Alvarez [R.J.] ; Angevine [W.M.] ; Atlas [E.L.] ; Banta [R.M.] ; Brock [C.A.] ; Darby [L.S.] ; Dissly [R.W.] ; Donnelly [S.G.] ; Fehsenfeld [F.C.] ; Flocke [F.] ; Fried [A.] ; Frost [G.J.] ; Goldan [P.D.] ; Holloway [J.S.] ; Hübler [G.] ; Jakoubek [R.O.] ; Neuman [W. C Kuster J A] ; Nicks Jr [D.K.] ; Parrish [D.D.] ; Potter [W.T.] ; Roberts [J.M.] ; Ryerson [T.B.] ; Schauffler [S.] ; Senff [C.J.] ; Stroud [V.] ; Sueper [D.T.] ; Trainer [M.] ; Weinheimer [A.J.] ; Wert [B.P.] ; Wiedinmyer [C.]

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