The following two articles are part of 'the special section Arctic Transitions in the Land-Almosphere System (ATLAS), which printed 27 January 2003. - Alt 12 . Climate change and Arctic ecosystems: 2. Modeling, paleodata-model comparisons, and future projections

Anderson [P.M.] ; Andreev [A.A.] ; Bartlein [P.J.] ; Bigelow [N.H.] ; Brubaker [L.B.] ; Christensen [T.R.] ; Cramer [W.] ; Edwards [M.E.] ; Harrison [S.P.] ; Kaplan [J.O.] ; Lozhkin [A.V.] ; Matveyeva [N.V.] ; McGuire [A.D.] ; Murrarray [D.F.] ; Prentice [L.C.] ; Razzhivin [Y.] ; Smith [B.] ; Walker [D.A.]

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