Special Section: Puerto Rico Dust Experiment (PRIDEI) - PRD 2. Analysis of measurements of Saharan dust by airborne and ground-based remote sensing methods during the Puerto Rico Dust Experiment (PRIDE) (DOI 10.1029/2002JD002493)
Campbell [James R.] ; Christopher [Sundar A.] ; Colarco [P.R.] ; Eleuterio [Daniel P.] ; Holben [Brent N.] ; Jonsson [Haflidi H.] ; Kinney [James E.] ; Livingston [John M.] ; Maring [Hal B.] ; Meier [Michael L.] ; Pilewskie [Peter] ; Prospero [Joseph M.] ; Reid [Elizabeth A.] ; Reid [Jeffrey S.] ; Remer [Lorraine A.] ; Russell [Philip B.] ; Savoie [Dennis L.] ; Smirnov [Alexander] ; Tanré [Didier] ; Tsay [Si-Chee] ; Welton [Ellsworth J.] ; Westphal [Douglas L.]
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