Special Section: NASA Global Tropospheric Experiment Transport and Chemical Evolution Over the Pacific (TRACIE-P): Measurements and Analysis (TRACEPL) - GTE 18. Peroxy radical behavior during the Transport and Chemical Evolution over t

Apel [E.] ; Avery [M.A.] ; Bandy [A.R.] ; Barrick [J.D.] ; Blake [D.R.] ; Blake [N.J.] ; Brune [W.H.] ; Cantrell [Christopher A.] ; Clarke [A.D.] ; Crawford [J.H.] ; Edwards [G.D.] ; Eisele [F.L.] ; Flocke [F.] ; Fried [A.] ; Hall [S.] ; Harder [H.] ; Heikes [B.G.] ; Jacob [D.J.] ; Kondo [Y.] ; Kosciuch [E.] ; Lefer [B.L.] ; Martinez [M.] ; Mauldin [R.L.] ; Olson [J.R.] ; Sachse [G.W.] ; Shetter [R.E.] ; Simpson [J.I.] ; Singh [H.B.] ; Stephens [S.] ; Thornton [D.C.] ; Weinheimer [A.] ; Zondlo [M.A.]

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