Special Section: NASA Global Tropospheric Experiment Transport and Chemical Evolution Over the Pacific (TRACIE-P): Measurements and Analysis (TRACEPL) - GTE 19. Airborne tunable diode laser measurements of formaldehyde during TRACE-P:

Anderson [Bruce] ; Blake [Donald] ; Blake [Nicola] ; Carmichael [Gregory R.] ; Crawford [James] ; Faloona [Ian] ; Fried [Alan] ; Fuelberg [Henry] ; Harward [Charles N.] ; Heikes [Brian] ; Jordan [Carolyn] ; Kiley [Christopher M.] ; Lefer [Barry] ; Meinardi [Simone] ; Olson [Jennifer] ; O'Sullivan [Daniel] ; Potter [William] ; Sachse [Glen] ; Sandholm [Scott] ; Shetter [Rick] ; Singh [Hanwant] ; Snow [Julie] ; Tan [David] ; Walega [Jim] ; Wert [Bryan]

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