Aerosols and Clouds (AAC) - AAC 12. Long-range transport of Saharan dust to northern Europe: The 11-16 October 2001 outbreak observed with EARLINET (DOI 10.1029/2003JD003757)

Ansmann [Albert] ; Bdsenberg [Jens] ; Chaikovsky [Anatoli] ; Comeron [Adolfo] ; Eckhardt [Sabine] ; Eixmann [Ronald] ; Freudenthaler [Volker] ; Ginoux [Paul] ; Komguem [Leonce] ; Linni [Holger] ; Matthias [Volker] ; Mattis [Ina] ; Mirquez [Miguel Angel Lopez] ; Mitev [Valentin] ; Müller [Detlef] ; Music [Svetlana] ; Nickovic [Slobodan] ; Pelon [Jacques] ; Sauvage [Laurent] ; Sobolewsky [Piotr] ; Srivastava [Manoj K.] ; Stohl [Andreas] ; Torres [Omar] ; Vaughan [Geraint] ; Wandinger [Ulla] ; Wiegner [Matthias]

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