Special Section: Characterization of Asian Aerosols and Their Radiative Impacts on Climate - D19S23 - Three-dimensional simulations of inorganic aerosol distributions in east Asia during spring 2001 (DOI 10.1029/2003JD004201)

Carmichael [Gregory R.] ; Clarke [Antony D.] ; Dabdub [Donald] ; Dibb [Jack E.] ; Grassian [Vicki H.] ; Guazzotti [Sergio A.] ; Huebert [Barry] ; Johnson [James E.] ; Prather [Kimberly A.] ; Quinn [Patricia K.] ; Sandu [Adrian] ; Seinfeld [John H.] ; Sodeman [David A.] ; Song [Chul-Han] ; Streets [David G.] ; Talbot [Robert W.] ; Tang [Youhua] ; Uno [Itsushi] ; Weber [Rodney J.] ; Woo [Jung-Hun] ; Yienger [James J.]

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