Special Section: Intercontinental Transport and Chemical Transformation 2002 (ITCT 2K2) and Pacific Exploration of Asian Continental Emissions (PEACE) Experiments - D23S08 - A case study of transpacific warm conveyor belt transport: Influence of merging airstreams on trace gas import to North America
Cooper [O.R.] ; Dunlea [E.] ; Fehsenfeld [F.] ; Flocke [F.] ; Forster [C.] ; Gouw [J.de.] ; Holloway [J.] ; Hübler [G.] ; Moody [J.] ; Nicks [D.] ; Parrish [D.] ; Roberts [J.M.] ; Ryerson [T.] ; Trainer [M.] ; Warneke [C.]
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