Special Section: Intercontinental Transport and Chemical Transformation 2002 (ITCT 2K2) and Pacific Exploration of Asian Continental Emissions (PEACE) Experiments - D23S11 - Multiscale simulations of tropospheric chemistry in the eastern Pacific and on the U.S. West Coast during spring 2002

Allan [James] ; Apel [Eric C.] ; Atlas [Elliot] ; Avery [Melody A.] ; Carmichael [Gregory R.] ; Dabdub [Donald] ; Donnelly [Stephen] ; Flocke [Franck] ; Goldstein [Allen] ; Horowitz [Larry W.] ; Huey [Lewis Gregory] ; Jakoubek [Roger O.] ; Johnson [Kristen] ; Kurata [Gakuji] ; Millet [Dylan B.] ; Quinn [Patricia K.] ; Roberts [James M.] ; Sandu [Adrian] ; Schauffler [Sue] ; Singh [Hanwant B.] ; Streets [David G.] ; Stroud [Verity] ; Tang [Youhua] ; Uno [Itsushi] ; Woo [Jung-Hun] ; Worsnop [Douglas R.]

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