Special Section: Toward Reducing Cloud-Climate Feedback Uncertainties in Atmospheric General Circulation Models - D15S03 - Simulations of midlatitude frontal clouds by single-column and cloud-resolving models during the Atmospheric Rad
Branson [Mark] ; Cederwall [Richard T.] ; Eitzen [Zachary A.] ; Genio [Anthony D Del] ; Ghan [Steven J.] ; Iacobellis [Sam F.] ; Johnson [Karen L.] ; Khairoutdinov [Marat] ; Klein [Stephen A.] ; Krueger [Steven K.] ; Lin [Wuyin] ; Lohmann [Ulrike] ; Miller [Mark A.] ; Randall [David A.] ; Somerville [Richard C J] ; Sud [Yogesh C.] ; Walker [Gregory K.] ; Wolf [Audrey] ; Wu [Xiaoqing] ; Xie [Shaocheng] ; Xu [Kuan-Man] ; Yio [J. John] ; Zhang [Guang] ; Zhang [Junhua] ; Zhang [Minghua]
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